
HAYYYS!! im BACKKK by POPULAR DEMAND!!! o-Okayyy. yea, well, many tings had happened wen i was MIA(in terms of blogging). wow, it is quite somex since my last post. 2 b precise: (12/8-13/10) = wow. dats nearly 2 mths!! ahh, well. u noe wad? ders juz 2 MUCH [uncountable] tings dat had happened, lets juz use a... [err, waddya call it?] well, lets juz sae, a pictogram[??]. u'll gt a rufff idea of how my life has been(i hope, if ur nt 2 DIM). my idiotic life, dat is. idiotic life>def: wilted aspirations w a dollop of humour, a dash of tragedy & a srinkling of visual jokes, bt lightly peppered w little promises of gd tings 2 come... wtv DAT means.

2 start orrfff...(refering 2 my notebk 4 past events...) ohh, &, it mayyy nt b in order.

i LUV nachos. dey r CHEESY & CORNY.

ahh, well. 1 of d blue daes.

1 of d happie ones...

me, hillary & pingu (:
in resort rm. nice view, eh?...

me, momsy & popsy [=

me, mum & susan me & susan (=

siloso beach resort rooftop jacuzzi 1

siloso beach resort rooftop jacuzzi 2

siloso beach resort rooftop jacuzzi 3

tcher's dae. had a crazy class party.

V funn. C, tcher(S) gone mad. (:

Dear Ol' CYM ((:

<<<---tis pic on dos famous amos lollies. ----->>>>>

For dearrr teachers.

sweet rite?... (:

eggcited. eager. ecstatic.

yep, its my...


some of d pressies:

glass version of pingu (:

yep...now movin on...d dreaded exams!!!

u noe wad? tink i'll stop now. my nx post will b evryting bout exams, & of coz, d results. ohh, & abt d theme FRIENDSHIP. tis applies 2 some pips/angels/bitches/bastards.....u now wat i mean.

till later. (=